
Finding the right fit for men’s bucket hats is easy. Our men’s bucket hats come usually in a single "one size fits all" variant. Some men prefer snugly-fitting bucket hats for a sleek look, while others prefer slightly oversized hats for a more relaxed vibe. Time flies, and your kids outgrow their clothes before you know it! Thankfully, our collection of children’s bucket hats is designed to ensure that there’s a hat for every size. From tiny babies to big kids, our variety of sizes covers everyone. Our children’s bucket hat sizing guide conveniently lists approximate age ranges to make your shopping easier easier, and simply selecting the correct age is usually enough. However, you can also measure your child’s head to check. Use a soft tape measure to check your child’s head circumference, wrapping the tape measure all the way around your little one’s head just above the ears. This will allow you to get the most accurate picture of the right size bucket hat for your child.